My PS2 (slim and brick)

- DOA Kasumi Skin
- DMS4 Lite EZI Modchip (never used)
- 40GB Hard Drive (never used)
- Network Adapter (never used)
- Wireless Pelican Predator controller
- 2 wired Sony Dualshock Controllers (only use one)
- Official Sony 4-player adapter (never used)
- Sony official vertical stand (and 3 unoffical multistands)
Look at all those extras that are never used. The modchip was cool for about a week. It was in no way worth the money or effort; same with the hard drive. In effect, all of the modding was for fun, just to see how it all worked.
This is my 2nd modded PS2. I had a Matrix Infinity SE chipped brick PS2 that I sold to a room mate.
I also have 1 working
From what I've researched, I should have got into modding [original] Xboxes instead, as they are actually capable of useful things, such as being a Media Center. Not to mention a lot easier to modify and fix.
- Aliens vs Predator: Extinction
- Beyond Good and Evil*
Devil May Cry 2gave awayEcho the Dolphintraded- Final Fantasy X*
- Final Fantasy X-2*
- God of War
- God of War II
- Half-Life
Gran Turismo 3traded- ICO
- Killzone*
- Nightshade
- Rygar
- Shadow of the Colossus*
- Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero
Shinobitraded- Xenosaga: Episode I*
- Xenosaga: Episdoe II*
- Xenosaga: Episode III*
Games to get
- Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus (just to have)
- Kingdom Hearts
- Kingdom Hearts II
*Games I've completed
Updated 04/19/2007
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