Thursday, April 26, 2007

More eyebrows raising towards the PS3

PlayStation 3 interest rising - Joystiq

Be quiet. Quieter. Do you hear that? That voice? Is that the inkling notion creeping up to drop $600 for a PS3?

The above article gets a gold star for the following:

The only problem is that the PS2 has a genetic defect and eventually succumbs to "disc read error." Bye baby, daddy misses you.

The real question is, will it take Microsoft 12 revisions of the Xbox 360 to get the red-lights problem away? They've already won in customer service and paying for things in warranty (Sony was charging consumers $40 to fix DRE). Now can they just need to beat them in the reliability department? Hopefully the Elites have no major issues.

In any case, it looks like CNet is sucking a Sony piece of manhood this week (at least Nick was honest about reality there). Maybe that crazy camera eye has them sexually intimidated?

Ninja Gaiden, a camera with a "fro" that I'm not sure where to put, Kutaragi hits the highway, and rising interest in the console. The cheerleaders got one hell of a pyramid going for Sony this week.


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