Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A pretend good moment for the PS3

PS3 price could drop $100 due to Blu-ray diode supply - Joystiq

This will not equate to a lower PS3 price right away. Sony still has to recover the huge loss they take on every PS3 sold. But cutting their own costs is a step in the right direction for everybody.

Although stating the obvious, the analysts are right. The PS3 desperately needs a price cut. The brand name alone could take it from there. They are fighting against cheaper consoles with more games. The games they do have are often shoddy ports, which doesn't help their situation.

The real question is, "How soon can Sony make the price reasonable?" They have to realize that the PS3's extra (and worthless for the most part) gadgetry just isn't in high demand. Once we get the good exclusives and a $300-400 price out of the PS3...I think it will get more attention. That is of course, if Nintendo and MS don't manage to skewer them with better deals.

MS's positive PR even took a hit recently. I'm quite surprised that Major said such things (in a public cast). As a person in the corporate world and as a person who has worked directly with customers on many's actually not that surprising to hear Major's true colors.

Consumers, especially gaming consumers, are a bit naive. They want everything for free, but fail to realize the companies providing them with their gaming-fix still need to make money. If they didn't make money (or have money-making potential), then Sony and MS would have dropped out long ago and let Nintendo take over. Only the craziest devout Ninty fanboy would want that.

The real power we consumers have isn't so much "whining" power when things don't go the way we want. Sony has fallen victim to consumer whining, which is why the PS3 has been a mess all around. Consumers demanded a different controller, a cheaper console, and free online. We ended up with a cost-inducing lesser-model, the same old controller (the new one would have been great...try Psyclone's PS2 version), and an all around horrible online service. We ended up another PS2, which isn't what the consumer really's just what they are familiar with. Gamers always secretly want change, but we fear change (that's cliche as hell). We don't know any better...which is why companies need to keep a reasonable amount of control and a stiff upper lip. Not to say they shouldn't listen, but compromise should never be out of the question. Microsoft is doing a fair job at that, which is why they are perceived as doing so well.

The real power we have is where we spend our dollar. Money speaks more than forum blabber ever will. If a consumer doesn't agree with pricing, then they shouldn't buy it. We see whining about pricing on XBLA all the time, but MS continues to provide a venue for what seems like high pricing. They get away with it because people demand the content, and will pay for it. The best thing to do is to turn away from a game or additional content if the price is disagreeable. Patience isn't a gamer's specialty, but in order for us to get what we want, we have to use the one power we have.

Back to Sony, they seem to be figuring this out. They obviously made a mistake in bloating the PS3's costs to a level where it hurts them and the consumer. Consumers have spoken, and not spent their dollar. Sony is working toward fixing this dilemma, although it will be an uphill battle for a while. Thankfully for them, Major's little stint could break the hearts of a few MS followers, and Sony will be there to pick up the pieces.


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