I recently picked up a Psyclone TiltSense controller from the clearance aisle at Walmart. It seemed to be a replica of the PS3's first non-produced controller.
My PS2 is still packed away, so I can't test the functionality. This comment is about the "shape". Honestly, the internet (which included myself) made a mistaken mockery of the baterang-looking controller. It is way more comfortable than the crappy Dualshock/SIXAXIS controllers we have today. It fits in the hands real well, and there's no need to curl your index fingers to press the buttons.
My ONLY problem with it, is that it doesn't have triggers (not sure what the original SIXAXIS had down there). These have become an important staple of gaming for me, because the analog triggers are more dynamic than just buttons alone. Racing games benefit a lot from easily adjusted braking and accelerating.
The only other thing I would change is the location of the d-pad and the left stick to prevent thumb bumping in the middle.
Lastly, the motion control was always a joke in this format, so I'm not too interested on whether or not it works well on this controller. I will definitely try it, but aside from racing games, I don't see the utility it in. But it'd be easier to hold on to the baterang-shaped controller than the current one.
Sorry PS3-haters, but we are
Epic Fail on this one. I'm considering merging my non-rumbling SIXAXIS with this controller since I hate the old design so much.