Sony tries to use FFXIV as PRO, MMORPG status CONS it

Sony tried to show off its Ferarri at E3, only to reveal that it is a Toyota MR2 with body kit.
FFXIV is coming folks, but you RPG hopefuls will need to join the ranks of MMORPG'ers. What a way to suck the life out of a Final Fantasy title. Now I'm not saying no one will be interested in it, but the unsaid preference seems to be with a Massively single-player Role Playing Game.
I remember trying to demo FFXI...I couldn't even get logged on to the server. Errors ahoy, and Square is STILL sending emails even though I never played got a chance to get into the game. Based on word-of-friends and online reviews, I didn't miss much. But then again, MMO's aren't my thing.
Maybe they should have focused on their exclusivity of FFXIII Versus.
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