Trackball PS Controller on the way / Microtransactions: a failed experiment

The Butter:
This new (and oddball) controller was apparently shown at E306, but I wasn't aware of it until recently. While it's difficult to perceive the controller's usefulness on looks alone, the idea may have merit. I continually voice my disapproval for the PS analog sticks, so replacing one of them with a more viable option seems to be a secret necessity.
That being said, I've never been a fan of trackballs. For anything, except maybe Centipede. However, with all the "Halo Training" I've provided myself via Xbox controller, I think thumbing a trackball may not be an impossible adjustment. I was able to handle the transition to controlling driving games from a d-pad to an analog (moving from PS2 to Xbox in other words), so I don't imagine this would be impossible.
I'm sure the keyboard-and-mouse
I'm up for sampling the controller if anyone's listening. LOL
The Toast:
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Chris at wrote a interesting article criticizing how microtransactions were a good idea put in the wrong hands, and also offers suggestions on how they should have worked.
As far as I'm concerned, he's got "the headshot" right between the eyes. Microtransanctions should have been for extras, but EA seems to think they should be used to milk money out of the consumer by providing partial games.
As some of the commenters suggest, the best we can do is NOT fall into their trap, and only accept microtransactions done right. If we don't buy into their scam, they won't waste resources continuing to screw us and leave us with a headache.
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