What Microsoft should do this fall

Well, doom-season as-we-know-it is coming. Finally, each of the "Big Three" will have their respective consoles available for purchase. Or available for
Many have naturally assumed that since the 360 has been out for year, that the next-gen console is due for a price drop. Thus, the rumors start rolling in, and they support the price drop by saying the manufacturing process has improved. Microsoft, as expected, denies such an event to keep the sales up.
I personally think that a price drop isn't necessary. One would think that Sony just handed Microsoft gold by their high-dollar PS3 announcement. However, that doesn't mean Microsoft can remain idle. Since their competition mocks the lighter 360 SKU for not even having a hard drive, then why not simply add a one to make the PS3 even less appealing than it already is. If Microsoft kept the retail prices, but matched the PS3 offerings with a 20GB HDD-equipped Core pack and a 60GB HDD-equipped Premium pack, it would essentially seal the deal since consumers aren't ready to care about Bluray or HD-DVD.
However, such a plan would probably require that they start manufacturing changes now. But who's to say they haven't?
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