PS2 controller adapter to save XBLA?

XFPS 360 is a multifunctional adapter that allows PS2 Dualshock's to be used with the Xbox 360. The current plans also show it as mouse and keyboard adapter (it converts M&K to analog controls for the 360). Turbo functionality is a sweet addition as well.
I'm here to interject however; people who need mouse and keyboard support so desperately are wimps. Learn to adjust already; it's really not that bad. I have the SmartJoy FRAG for the original Xbox and it's mouse/keyboard conversion is clumsy and essentially useless. I expect similar ill-fated results with this adapter. Just learn to go dual analog already!
Anyway, it's sad to say, but dualshock support could save XBLA. There would be no other good reason to use a PS2 controller that I can think of, but that's still a legitimate reason. I know I'd buy the adapter just for that purpose (unless Microsoft makes a better d-pad for their wireless controllers).
Edit 11/17/2006: Added SmartJoy link and cleaned up a few incomplete sentences. I forgot I had submitted this to! Thanks for the coverage! =)
"I'm here to interject however; people who need mouse and keyboard support so desperately are wimps. Learn to adjust already; it's really not that bad. I have the SmartJoy FRAG for the original Xbox and it's mouse/keyboard conversion is clumsy and essentially useless. I expect similar ill-fated results with this adapter. Just learn to go dual analog already!"
Dont mean to be rude but..Bollocks. I just finished Halo & Serious Sam using the Lik Sang SmartJoy Frag, it worked like a charm, certainly much better than with the joystick, though admittedly it 'felt' a little different than 'pure' M+KB gaming on a PC. The smartjoy frag has sold like hotcakes and was a resounding success for Lik Sang for a reason: people dont want to play with an inferior control scheme for an FPS.
Hardcore gamers want the best, Sega delivered with the DC promoting & supporting M+KB for it's FPSes, unfortunately M$ marketing dont want any 360 association with the PC so thats why they deliberately dont support M+KB to the chagrin of many gamers.
If MS & Sony brought out a joystick-type device better for FPSes (Like MS did for the PC many moons ago), a lot of gamers like myself would be over the moon, but of course Sony & MS put the games over profits right?
btw good game designers have compensated for the sheer crappyness of FPS joystick control by doing OTS (Over the shoulder) & third person shooters instead, just look at GRAW & Gears Of War.
I have a feeling these adaptors are going to go like hotcakes, pending good reviews like the smartjoy frag got, and thats great, it gives the consumers & hardcore gamers much better choice & enjoyment, something MS & Sony have tried to stifle.
Thank you God! A Godsend, truly. I'm not a computer gamer, personally I can't stand keyboards, but I love my Playstation controllers with a passion. 360 controllers are GREAT for shooters. That's about it. ANYTHING requiring excessive use of the D-pad doesn't flow well on the 360. Has anyone ever tried playing Soul Calibur 4 on the 360 or light-switch Dante's styles on Devil May Cry 4, the 360 D-pad just doesn't support.
The above comment was made around October 10th, 2008....2 years late? LOL
Anyway, this adapter is out and I own it. I don't do a lot of XBLA anymore, but it was a necessity for SFII. What sucks is it requires a WIRED 360 controller to make the whole setup work. Odd.
Anyway, a better solution would be to fix the existing controllers:
My fix:
Note: you should use a rubber disk instead of the sticky tape I used. Like the kind that go on the bottom of furniture.
Different fix:
Note: I haven't tried this yet.
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