Friday, March 23, 2007

Toshiba not so impressed by Blu-ray's victory cries - Engadget

Toshiba not so impressed by Blu-ray's victory cries - Engadget

You may have noticed that I begrudgingly admit that Blu-ray will probably win, even though I think HD-DVD is the better format for movies (but not for PC storage). In all honesty, per entertainment dollar, and even though I have the fancy 1080p TV and a PS3 Blu-ray player, I'll take upscaled DVD over Blu-ray any day. The picture improvement isn't enough to justify spending $30-$40 on the movies.

Reading through the comments, I found one user saying that HD-DVD players are down to $350. This womewhat begs the question: Could the first format to get a player under $200 and most movies under $20 be the winner?

(Please...nobody suggest that the HD-DVD attachment is "half-way there".)

There's too many factors. I think we need to get HDTV adoption higher before we can worry about this silly movie-format war.


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