More gaming, less blogging: Assassin's Creed

Anyway, AC was entertaining, although it was definitely over-hyped. Mine is the "Collector's Edition", which I remember grabbing merely because it was the same cost used. The story is a bit refreshing, although nothing that should blow anyone's mind like the Xenosaga series or Xenogears. The gameplay takes a minute to get its hooks in, but it remains addictive for the duration of the game. In short: replay value is low. But the tech used in this game is noteworthy to any geeks that care as much. I look forward to the sequels.
So my Xbox Live subscription is up next month. I usually head to ebay to save a few bucks. While getting frustrated that ebayers over-value a lot of things, I decided to give a look. We're down to $45 dollars for 12 months, and a price drop is even coming up. That's under $4 a month and for me it's been worth every penny for the last few years. I'm not sure what the complaint is, unless people are purchasing by the month (which is a rip-off).
Still waiting for home on PSN... but lately I've been getting the feeling it's going to be a short-lived flash-in-the-pan. I also get the same feeling for XBL's avatars. Guess we'll see.
For now, I'm going to go through Jericho by myself. I played a couple levels then ended up watching a room mate play the rest. I know why it was rated poorly, but the game wasn't given enough credit either. It just needed more funding to clean it up and it would have been stellar.
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