More Sony Mumbles: Bad Guitar Hero, Good PS2 playthrough, etc.

Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80's was released this week, but unfortunately it was boo'd off stage from multiple reviewers. I've played through the first sections of songs, and the reviewers are right; they changed the songs and character models; that's it. The songs leave a lot to be most fans will frown that their favorite 80's classic isn't present. Unlike it's predecessors, this game isn't worth the money. Wait until the price is cut $20.
Speaking of the PS2, Sony gets a pat on the back for the PS2 being the "most played console in June" according to a research company. This is hardly a surprise, since there are 100 million PS2's out there.
On the consumer-pro (*GASP*), Sony is seeking ways to allow homebrew "safely" on the PSP. Before getting too excited though, Sony is thinking more along the lines of XNA than a complete free-for-all minus pirating. Continuing custom firmwares will be their bane.
Like Microsoft, Sony's game division is taking some heavy hits with their latest console. As proclaimed, the blame lies with "strategic pricing". Or lack of content. Or both. But they aren't losing as much as Microsoft is.
In any case, contrary to fanboy rantings, none of the consoles will be stepping on out of this "war". The PS3 may stay in 3rd-place due to high prices and lack of content, but it won't be going away any time soon. 3rd place will be healthy in this situation; they just need to keep selling consoles and bringing new content to the table.
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