Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A few days away was good: Metroid Prime 3

Life moves on with or without you. I've got my head up and I'm ready to return to gaming.

I finally popped in Metroid Prime 3 and tried it out. The control scheme takes some getting used to. Regardless of what has been previously said by MP3-lovers, I still think the old dual thumbsticks or mouse and keyboard setup is the way to go. The Wii remote makes a great mouse, but the way it was implemented seems to put FPS action in slow motion on the player's end. It still seems to be the best Prime yet, and I'm excited to get a chance to play through it.

MP3 may have outsold Bioshock, but I still think Bioshock is the more unique experience. My guess is that since the Wii has outsold even the PS2 (in its respective time frame), that bored Wii owners are clamoring for a good game. Metroid seems to be the first REAL game for the Wii, so I expect it to sell as such. I guess some people were happy with Zelda, but it wasn't able to hold my interest.

For their sake, Wii Sports, Zelda, and MP3 are all the Wii has. That's pretty bad for the top-selling console. Nintendo doesn't seem to be bringing much more to the table as for stellar games either. Impatience is money lost or something.


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