Year for 360 gaming

We just returned from our local Gamestop with lists of upcoming console titles through October.
The Xbox 360 list takes 1.4 pages, the PS3 list about 0.75 pages, and the Wii list about 0.4 pages. Perusing the list, I'm finding over a dozen games that catch my interest, although some are multiplatform (but I'm finding the 360 is the way to go, so it doesn't matter). Three games for each the Wii and PS3 catch my attention.
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- 02/20/2007: Sonic and the Secret Rings
- 03/13/2007: Prince of Persia
- 04/23/2007: Mortal Kombat: Armageddon (I don't want to purchase this for PS2 or Xbox)
- 06/01/2007: Heavenly Sword
- 06/26/2007: Ninja Gaiden Sigma
- 09/03/2007: Unreal Tournament 3
Xbox 360:
- 02/27/2007: Bullet Witch
- 03/13/2007: Call of Duty 3 Gold*
- 03/27/2007: Guitar Hero 2 w/ Guitar (more songs than PS2 version)
- 04/02/2007: Army of Two*
- 04/02/2007: Assassin's Creed*
- 05/01/2007: The Darkness*
- 05/01/2007: Burnout 5*
- 05/01/2007: Tenchu Z
- 05/22/2007: Mass Effect
- 06/01/2007: Bioshock
- 06/01/2007: Half-Life 2*
- 06/01/2007: Too Human
- 06/19/2007: Kane & Lynch: Dead Men*
- 09/03/2007: Lost Odyssey
- 09/04/2007: Dark Sector*
- 10/01/2007: Timeshift 360*
- 11/01/2007: Halo 3
*These titles will also be available for the PS3
While Wii Sports alone is enough to support the console for months, it will be at least 6 months before anything worth buying appears (exclusively) for the PS3. I can only give doubt toward Sony and Nintendo's game sales performance this year; there just isn't enough exciting games coming out. Where the hell is my Metroid Prime 3 or Super Mario Galaxy? What about a Final Fantasy to save the PS3's lackluster lineup? Then again, the Wii's hypetrain has obtained a behemoth size that Sony could only dream of.
I love the Wii, but there just isn't any games for it. The PS3 sections seem empty as well. At the end of the year, the 360 selection will dwarf the others. This implies that the Xbox 360 may as well replace the PS2 in game selection for this generation. Wii can only hope that 3rd party developers/publishers kick in and provide continued fun to rival and surpass that of Wii Sports.
It's becoming increasingly difficult to see the PS3 in a positive light. Developers aren't happy, customers aren't happy, and Sony's profits aren't happy. With no games to justify the 2 ton price tag, we can only wonder how Sony will manage to climb out of the hole they continue to make deeper.