Can't wait for Wii

I'm probably a bit slow in my timing of reading this Nintendo E3 2006 summary by IGN. Today I've been debating on whether to go Wii or PS3 this year. Wii has been the choice thus far, and it seems that it will stay that way.
As I've been saying, FFXIII would be the only reason thus far to bring me to the PS3. There's a dozen sequels for popular franchises coming for it, yet I lack interest in all but FF. Besides that, I'm looking for new franchises. Resistance and Heavenly Sword have been the only two PS3 exclusives to catch my eye. Unfortunately, that's not enough to get me excited to rush out and drop $500-600 on the console.
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There's several factors I've considered, and an important one is that I like to game online via multiplayer and CO-OP. The internet always provides us a fellow gamer to play with. When it comes to Sony's proposed online service, it is much too vague, and I already fear that it will be over-run by modders and hackers. Free multiplayer means exploited multiplayer.
Moving on to the controller they just can't seem to part with, I was very disappointed to see the same thing for a 3rd generation. Ever since I started playing Xbox and Gamecube regularly, I cannot stand the dualshock controller. After getting away from Sony's form-factor, it is easy to feel that the Dualshock is actually an uncomfortable controller. My biggest gripe is that if they don't fix the resistance of the analog sticks then I can guarantee there will be a PS3 controller stuck in my wall from a hard throw.
Another feature that is important to me is retro gaming. This is an area that Sony hasn't mentioned touching. They can tout %100 backwards compatibility all they want, but there are only 2-3 PSOne games I'd even touch again. As for PS2 games, it will be quite a while before I revisit those. Maybe they'll copy the Xbox Live Arcade thing, but it has yet to be seen.
I'll be honest, I am not a fan of the Super Nintendo or the Nintendo 64. Those consoles never hit it off with me; I took the Sega Genesis and Sony Playstation respectively. However, I would still enjoy to go back and play some of those retro games with a good controller. Nintendo is offering the ability to go back and play most of that library, where Microsoft and Sony are not.
Along with many other gamers, I would also like to spice up the gaming experience as well. That's where the Wiimote comes in. Personally, I have no fear of my arms getting tired or the controls being too difficult. Gameplay videos from E3 have shown that wildly gesticulating isn't necessary. Rather, it looks fun and I look forward to the break-in period. *psst* although sequels are sometimes bad, I'm totally a Metroid Prime junkie!
The Wii hits the spot because it will be a new experience, bring a taste of the old experience, and not burn a hole in even deep pockets. My question is: How difficult will it be to secure a Wii this year?
Sorry PS3, you can visit our living room later.