Sony PS3 controller batteries should be safe

At my place of employment, we use IBM/Lenovo Thinkpads for laptops (soon to be replaced with Toshiba laptops, thankfully...although they could be affected as well). I was informed today that some of our latest laptops are infected with Sony's filthy battery technology. And I've just setup a few co-workers with these potential monstrosities.
However, many consumers don't realize that this type of thing generally results in a better and safer product on the next go-around. The Sony laptop batteries two models down the line will probably be the safest damn battery you can get.
It goes without saying that they will review all of their rechargeables and ensure this never happens again. This means they'll damn well make sure that those low-amp and far-from dangerous PS3 controller batteries will be fine. (See? I forced it to be game related!)
Who was claiming that Sony made quality products?
Bad Sony products: DVD players, Car audio decks and speakers, home audio, laptops, desktops, batteries, PS2s, PSPs, DRM
Good Sony products: Televisions, digital cameras, digital video cameras, Playstation